Wednesday 11 February 2009


I have spent all day today clearing all the useless paper and crap off my desk and out from under it. This has been encouraging, as I now have space to work and can reach for important documents with ease and even a certain sophisticated style, but also depressing, as I have unearthed a box of documents that were all supposed to be filed away many moons ago and were not due to my lack of work ethic. Now I'll have to spend days filing them in the appropriately named 'Dead Room' (as in where the 'dead' files go) which has the warmth and charm of an underwater tomb. I have no work ethic. I hate working. If I had my way I would sit on a comfy chair eating re-generating pizza and playing all the latest xbox games that magically appear in my console whilst I slowly but steadily expand.

Today there were some protestors that tried to 'occupy' the university building my friend works in. I never know how to feel about protests. I admire people taking a stand for something they believe in, mainly as there is not much that I actually feel that strongly about. I would be quite annoyed if More4 stopped showing The Daily Show, but it's highly unlikely that I would take to the streets over it. I enjoy Diet Coke but the banning of said drink would not drive me to take action and 'occupy' a coffee shop.

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